Veteran Resources

The Combat Infantrymen’s Association (CIBA) or (CIA) is a non-profit organization that provides a variety of resources to combat veterans and their families. These resources can help veterans and their families with a variety of needs, including financial assistance, educational assistance, medical assistance, housing assistance, job placement assistance, mental health counseling, and substance abuse treatment. The CIA also hosts and participate in a variety of events throughout the year to support combat veterans and their families.


Almighty God look graciously upon this nation and those who serve and have served our great nation.

We thank you God for the steadfastness, strength, and loyalty of these men and women, their families, and those who fervently supported and continue to support them both during and after their sacrificial service to our nation.

Remind us that without each other we would all fail in defeating our nations enemies.

Grant us patience in dealing with the mistakes of our fellow man. Let us never forget that no man is perfect but that perfection for fragile humans is trying each day to be better than the day before.

Remind us that wisdom is not gained in an hour, a day, or in a year But that it is a process that continues all the days of our lives. May you always be near to guide us in our decisions, comfort us in our failures, keep us humble in our successes and support us in our missions both on and off the battlefield.

We thank you Heavenly Father for the honor of serving our nation and for those whom without their humble support we would not succeed in our desire for freedom from suppression.



Of all the medals upon our chest
From battles and wars we knew
The one admired as the very best
Is the one of Infantry Blue

It’s only a rifle upon a wreath
So why should it mean so much?
It is what it took to earn it
That gives in that touch

To earn this special accolade
You faced the enemy’s fire
Whether you survived or not
God dialed that one desire

For those of us who served the cause
And brought this nation glory
It’s the Combat Infantrymen’s Badge
That really tells the story

Written by Jim Dollar

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