Memorial Scholarship

It’s time to do more for our CIB Veteran’s. We have an obligation to make sure our Combat Veterans are able to navigate the immense network of available programs and resources that will help them succeed in their career and personal life. Combat Infantrymen and Special Forces soldiers have experienced “active ground combat” with our countries enemies.  Your donations will help us establish new initiatives to deliver a seamless process to assist them with the benefits they have so deservedly earned and  Jobs for transitioning CIB veterans.   

The CIBA Key Initiative(s) Overview

The Combat Infantrymen’s Association (CIA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing support to combat infantrymen and their families. We are committed to helping combat veterans overcome the challenges they face after returning home from war, and we rely on the generosity of our donors to make our work possible.

It’s time to do more for our CIB Veteran’s. We have an obligation to make sure our Combat Veterans are able to navigate the immense network of available programs and resources that will help them succeed in their career and personal life. Combat Infantrymen and Special Forces soldiers have experienced “active ground combat” with our countries enemies.  Your donations will help us establish new initiatives to deliver a seamless process to assist them with the benefits they have so deservedly earned and  Jobs for transitioning CIB veterans.   

Empower the next generation of change

You can donate to help us inspire, empower, and connect leaders from around the world to take on the biggest challenges of our time.

2023- 2024 Alfred C. Serrato Memorial Scholarship Program Initiative

The annual Alfred C. Serrato Scholarship Program is open to current Combat Infantrymen’s Association members, their spouse, children or grandchildren who will be enrolled in a full-time course of study during the 2023-2024 academic year.


The Scholarships are graded based on the completion of the Application and the Essay response. The purpose of the Scholarship is to raise awareness of the sacrifices made by those who have earned our beloved Combat Infantryman Badge.  The Combat Infantrymen’s Association, Inc. member will be asked by the applicant to share their story.  Essays will be judged anonymously by a panel of members who are not related to, or associated in anyway to the participants.


The Scholarship Program provides a First Place Award of $1500; Second Place of $1000 and Third Place of $500.  The Scholarship is awarded to full time students attending an accredited Trade School, Community College or other institutions of higher learning.  The winners will be announced by COB August 15, 2023.


2023 – 2024 Alfred C. Serrato National Scholarship Application


The Scholarship Program is generously funded by donations from our Members, Supporters and Corporate Sponsors.

The Scholarship application period will be open from June 1 – July 31, 2023.  Applications must be received by email NLT 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time on July 31, 2023.  If you have any questions, please contact National Commander CSM (R) Frederick F. Bourjaily at

2021 Scholarship Winners

First Place

Carissa Bella Cavicchioni

Second Place (TIE)

Hannah Williams

Second Place (TIE)

Joshua Forsythe

Third Place

Zachary Rinzel

The CIBA Historical Museum Initiative

The CIB-A Historical Museum is preparing to open its doors to the public in late 2025. Located in Montgomery County, Texas, the property was generously donated by Jarvis Media Group and construction is scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of 2024. The museum will showcase the history of the Combat Infantrymen’s Association (CIBA) and pay tribute to the courageous CIB warriors who have earned this distinguished honor.

We want to express our sincere appreciation to all our donors for their support. As a token of our gratitude, a beautiful bronze dedication plaque will be displayed in the front foyer area, near the “Grand Entrance” of the museum, which will feature the names of all the donors. Just opposite the Grand Entrance, visitors will be treated to a stunning outdoor courtyard that showcases past Commanders of the CIBA, along with a 20ft. “Iron Mike – Follow Me” statue. Both the foyer and courtyard areas will also honor fallen and distinguished CIBA members.

Officials from Montgomery County and the State of Texas are working closely with Commander Frederick F. Bourjaily of CIBA, Senior Trustee James Comstock, and the property development committee of Jarvis Media Group to make this project a reality. Currently, we are in the planning and design stage of the project’s development and appreciate all our supporters for their donations to this ongoing effort.

The CIBA National Historical Marker, Monuments, Dedications & Plaques Initiative

Did you know that there are over 300 CIB-A markers, monuments, dedications, memorials, and plaques nationwide? Unfortunately, many of our American landmarks are under siege due to lack of maintenance, theft, and even removal. Please help us continue to honor the exceptional warfighters of America who have been awarded the CIB. Your donations go towards providing new CIB-inspired dedications, as well as ensuring the stability and maintenance of current CIB memorials and landmarks.

If you are looking to become a member or join our support membership please visit our CIBA Membership Page. If you are having trouble with our new CIBA in-site Donations box please go to our Dedicated CIBA Donor Page.

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