CIBA Development
The Combat Infantrymen’s Association (CIBA) is committed to supporting the development of technology that can help combat infantrymen and their families. We believe that technology can play a vital role in improving the lives of combat veterans, and we are working to develop new technologies that can help them succeed.
V4 Main Association Website Development
Web Design Team
CIBA Association Website Development
Our main CIBA association website is a never ending project with version updates constantly. New features are generally announced in our news section. If you would like to donate some time or have website suggestion please feel free to contact us at any time.
V1.9.0 Battle Buddy Development
GPT/AI Development Team
CIBA Battle Buddy Development
Ensuring that our members have the best customer service is objective #1. A.I technology is ensuring that our members are receiving customer service and answers to their questions 24 hours a day with the most up to date information possible.
V3 CIBA Newsroom Development
News Development Team
CIBA Newsroom Development
The CIBA Newsroom is a vital part of the associations communication strategy. Acting as the main news hub not only for the association to it's members but our members receiving current and reliable Army service information as well. Through our AI initiative we also distribute news to all of our social networks daily.
V3 CIBA Member Center/Community Development
Member Center / Community Development Team
CIBA Community Development
The CIBA Member Center and Community is the lifeblood of the association allowing our members to directly communicate with the association leadership as well as other CIBA Membership. This system handles everything from payment process to vital community announcements while providing a cutting-edge social community dedicated to our warfighters.
V3 CIBA Newsletter Development
Newsletter Development Team
CIBA Newsletter Development
The CIBA Newsletter "Patrol Base Blue Badge". The association makes the technology turn on it's previously yearly
print association newsletter "The Blue Badge" and is NOW, being distributed to all viewers electronically on a monthly basis. The newsletter is now delivered to our 7500+ viewers / members via their email inbox.
V1 CIBA Community Mobile App Development
Member Center / Community Development Team
CIBA Community Mobile App Development
The CIBA Member Center and Community App is the next generation of development for our members, having a dedicated mobile application for their IOS and Android devices. While our web platform is completely mobile responsive, we see this as the next logical step in a dedicated, more efficient member/community solution.
V1 CIBA Membership Map Development
Membership Map Development Team
V1 CIBA Commanders Corner Video Series
Commanders Corner Video Series Development Team
CIBA Commanders Corner Video Series
Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Frederick F. Bourjaily, USA Ret. & National Commander CIBA weekly update to the Combat Infantrymen's Association Membership.